Our last day!!! 300 miles in total!!
I just finished writing the entry for Day 5 which was a mini novel and now I'm doing Day 6. It's very late so I'll make this one short and sweet - anyway you've got a couple of dozen pics that speak more eloquently than me.
We cycled just over 33 miles today (Mike knows the right amount but he's fast asleep) and it was pretty uneventful. The morning kicked off with a heavy shower which took away the humidity and cooled the air. Derek went with Trish to change our spare tyre to a new proper one. He joined us after 12 miles. The only unusual thing that happened was rude french drivers - we had 3 or 4 cars pass us shouting obsenities out their windows. I have no idea why. It was weird, so it's best forgotten.
Orleans is a beautiful city. And I'm glad we're here. But mostly I'm glad the cycle ride is finished. It was a great trip but as Hugh says, "Everything has its time." And this cycle ride's time is up. I know I speak for everyone when I say: a big big thank you to Mike our brilliant, patient and calm leader.
I would like to thank Trish and Joe for taking loads of brilliant pics and allowing me to use them on the blog along with my own. Some days I had over 200 pics to whittle down!
And of course a thousand thank yous to all the cyclists for their wonderful company, fabulous conversation, effective cold medicines, sympathetic ears and encouraging voices. It was a blast and I'm all blown out. I took lots of videos on the trip which I will soon edit into a wonderful film and post here on the blog. So come back!!
And my final thank you is to all the readers - friends and family of the cyclists and anyone else who's here by chance. It's highly motivating to see that the blog is getting over 50 views a day (that's the reason I stay up late to finish it). I only hope we're keeping you informed and entertained.
Tomorrow we're leaving at 6:30 in the morning to catch a ferry in Caen and finally get back on British soil. I'm sure to be doing a couple of final posts, so hopefully you'll find time to visit the blog again soon.
Love and lights out, Vanessa
Under the stag's head is the Lost and Found and in the middle
is Brian's helmet. Where he lost it, we'll never know. |
Starting our ride just after rain showers. |
Leaving the chateau |
Joe is buzzing about pylons. Nikki likes horses and
Joe likes pylons - true! Don't let him tell you different. |
The poppies were as much as presence as roses,
so they deserve a pic. |
Derek joins us after getting a new tyre and
Trish hands out delicious caramel cookies - scrump! |
This is the inside of the oldest chateau in the region which
Trish visited. I just can't remember where - oops. |
We arrive in Orleans! Our final destination!!!! |
The man of the hour - MC Druce in the house!! |
Some men you just can't keep away from the bottom of a bus -
once they get a taste.... |
Joe and Brian getting close in a bromance kinda way. |
The best Chocolaterie ever!! The Chocolaterie Royale in Orleans. |
Moi in front of the cathedral |
Men on a mission - beer!! |
Joan of Arc |
Me and my camera - its an obsession (along with roses). |
I had no idea there were so many kinds of olives! |
Market stalls in the main square around Joan of Arc. |
Cheese glorious cheese! |
Graham and his escargots - he ordered it whenver he could.
He'll be slithering back to the UK leaving a trail... |
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