Sunday, 24 June 2012

Getting there

Crazy 3:30 a.m. start!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was wiped out and everyone told me to skip a night and have some rest and that no one reads the blog anyway. Cruel to be kind I guess. I know you're all reading this in blogland. I bet it's the first thing you do in the morning - rub your eyes, grab a coffee and read about our adventures.

So on our first day we all met at the minibus in the village carpark at 3:30 a.m.! For real. No one was happy, as you can see from the pics above. Derek drove us to the Portsmouth ferry, where we had almost 4 hrs of choppy waves and screaming babies. I crashed out on the floor. Then Brian drove us from the north of France down to La Baule, which is a fabulous place! The sun and sea wiped away a long day of travel. After putting our bikes together we were off to the beach for beer, wine and tasty food. All was well in the world once again.

Everyone turns to the camera, except Brian - a hot tractor has his eye.

Charlie's Angels

Putting the bikes together

I love the houses in La Baule.

Have you ever seen a better looking crowd!

Nite Nite!

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