Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Some training pics

This year we haven't been as vigilant in our training. Maybe we're getting lazy or maybe its because as Brian says, "Mike keeps telling us it's a holiday." Whatever the reason, I hope we're not going to regret our lack of fitness.

It's Wednesday today and we leave on Saturday morning very early - 3:30 a.m.! I did my last ride this morning and now its rest until we leave. Mike is a bit manic - he's going to keep cycling until we leave. In fact, watch out for him cycling behind the minibus as we head to France!

It's a beautiful sunny day and I'm heading into the garden. But here's a few random pics of our training rides around Oxhill.

Tea and bacon baps in a train carriage in Stratford.
It's all Hugh's fault. Always.

Indiana Jones with beard.

Mountain Man

Yup, they're still there.

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